View Requests

The View Requests page shows Cases that have been created with Customer Support and the Cadence Change Requests (CCRs) associated with the Case.

The following functions are available on the View Requests page:


Use the Search feature as a way to help you to find Requests and Projects (TIP cases only). Entering text in this field and executing a Search will refresh the page to show only those Requests that match your search terms. Select the checkbox Include Attachments in Search if you want to search within attachments also. Searching in attachments may take some time to show results. Use Case Creation Date filer to search within specific time period. By default the search is performed on last 3 years starting on the date of search.

Searching and changing the view

Searches operate on the current view of your Request list. Default view is "Open" which shows all open cases or cases with open CCR/Issue. If you change the view to "Closed", then only these Closed cases with dispositioned CCR/JIRA will be included in your search results. Also if you have any search term entered in the search box then that term will be searched along with the current view entries.


By default you are only able to search within those Requests that you created or that were created on your behalf. If you are part of a case group created for your company, then you can see and search withn the cases of all the users part of the same case group.

View filters 

When you initially view this page, you will see Open Cases that you created (or were created on your behalf). Cases will remain in the Open list until the Case is move to a closed Status. You can change this view by selecting an option from the pull-down menus that exist. For example, changing from Open to Closed will redisplay the page accordingly. The second dropdown gives you option to view your cases or of the users in a case groups of which you are part. Third dropdown lets you filter based on the type of case.

Download as CSV File 

You can download Request (Cases or CCRs) information to a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. Clicking on the link will cause a CSV file to be downloaded for your current view and search terms. Depending upon your browser configuration, clicking on the Download link may either launch a CSV viewer, cause the file to be saved to your local system, or prompt you to choose between these actions.

Number of Requests displayed per page 

You can control the number of Requests that are displayed on each page by clicking on the appropriate Display number.

Sorting the table 

Click on a column heading to sort the table by that column. Click on it again to reverse the sort order.

Customize Columns 

You can click on the Customize Columns link to configure what all columns you want to display in the table. You can choose up to maximum of 15 columns.

Projects Table (Tensilica IP users only) 

Projects matching your search query are displayed in this table. Clicking on the project name takes you to the project details page.

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